Toraja Cloth weaving
Skill in weaving the Toraja derived from their ancestors who taught for generations. However, not all people can skillfully weaving Toraja Traditional quality and high value such as ikat fabric (sekomandi), rope tobatu, paruki ', tannun kamandang, and more. Village area of origin Toraja traditional cloth weaving (sekomandi) that still weave / production ie Kalumpang & Rongkong both in the North West part of Rantepao. This village can only be reached by foot if from Batutumonga for 3 s / d 5 days.
Traditional cloth weaving village of origin paruki 'is still in the production that is Sa'dan North of Rantepao, about 25 minutes by public transport from Rantepao.
Kampong-village mentioned above, we can still find women sit while weaving in front of their homes even if their numbers began to wane. The other women tended to spend their time in the garden / fields to help their husbands so do not be surprised if we often find that weaving is women who are elderly who, because of age and labor no longer possible to work in the garden / field.
Some of them are still using traditional methods of spinning yarn and raw cotton being planted himself in the yard of his home, as well as coloring materials from the leaves, roots, clay, spices and other kitchen.